Grading Policy for Grades 3-6

Library Grading Policy
Grades 3-6

It is expected that assignments will be completed in a timely fashion to the best of the students’ ability.  If a student is absent and misses an assignment, he or she is expected to approach Mrs. Gray and ask for the missing work.  Missing work should be completed before the next library class; i.e. within one week’s time.  Please note that this includes students that participate in special activities, such as swimming, that cause them to miss library class on a regular basis.

Any student not completing assignments within an appropriate period of time will be expected to make arrangements to come to the library during his or her own time (before or after school or during recess) to complete the work.  If a student fails to complete the assignment in a timely fashion, he or she will receive a 0% for that assignment.

As the library will be used throughout the student’s career at Pittsburg School, students and parents/guardians should remember that all work assigned in library is designed to help the student to become proficient at accessing, evaluating, and using information.  Each year students will build on the knowledge that they have gained in previous years until they reach the point at which they should be able to access, use and evaluate information with little or no guidance from the librarian or the classroom teacher.  With that in mind, it is hoped that all students and parents/guardians realize that the information taught here is useful and not just “busy work”.

Students in grades 3-6 will receive library grades each marking period in keeping with the grading policy for the school.

E = Expanding

P = Proficient

AP = Approaching Proficient

BP = Beginning

IES = Insufficient evidence shown

If you have any questions, feel free to call.

Ann Gray As of 02/13/25