NHS (National Honor Society) and NJHS (National Junior Honor Society) are two very important organizations. As the name implies, these are national organizations and, as such, have national rules which must be followed. According to the national rules, a person must be invited to join one of these organizations and must have and maintain an overall average of 85% or better for their courses. In addition to having and maintaining good grades, a member of one of these groups must show good character, be a good citizen, give service (to school, family, community, and the group), and be a good leader. That means that a person who has been invited to be a member has demonstrated that he or she is a good role model; he or she is a person that you can look up to. It is truly an honor to be invited to join one of these groups and members are expected to maintain high standards as long as they are part of the group. A person in grades 8-10 who shows these characteristics might be invited to join NJHS, while a student in grades 10-12 might be invited to join NHS.
Mrs. Jeralds is currently the advisor for NJHS and Mrs. Wallace advises NHS. The groups have sponsored roadside clean-up projects, math, science, and art nights for parents and students with lots of fun activities. They have all been a resounding success. They have distributed Thanksgiving baskets for the needy, hosted school dances, and every December they sponsor a Santa's workshop for the younger students; here youngsters can pick out a gift to bring home for a family member and even have it wrapped by a member. At Christmas they often go caroling in town.
NJHS and NHS meet on Tuesdays.
updated 12/13/2023